Saturday, December 28, 2013

How to accomplish a Goal

2014 is right around the corner and many people are already making plans to either lose weight, be a better person, or earn A’s. But how many actually follow along with their new year’s resolution? Not many. Hopefully these tips will help you organize and keep your goals throughout the years.
1)      I WILL…!
Make a list of your goals and start off every sentence with “I will” instead of “I hope” or “I’ll try to”. Writing your goals as statements tells your mind that you’re set on accomplishing this task rather than telling it that you’ll try.

2)      Be specific
Make sure you are being clear on what you plan to accomplish such as “Lose 20 pounds by the end of the year” instead of “Lose weight”

3)      Small steps
After writing down your specific goals make mini-goals. What steps will you need to take to accomplish your goal? What do you need to do NOW? How about this week, month…?

4)      Set a time
Set aside a specific hour or time of day in which you can work on completing your goal/s. Dedicate this time of day specifically to you goal and ONLY your goal.

5)      Terminate Distractions
Make a list of obstacles and distraction that might appear and how you are going to handle them. For example, If your plan to study an hour each day you might want to download an app on your phone, such as Self Control to keep you from social media sites and the usual.

6)      Invest
Invest in a planner that you KNOW you will use. Also make sure that it is attractive to your eye so that you’ll be tempted to use it often.

7)      Motivation
Create ANYTHING that will help you motivate you to reach your goal.
·         Flash Cards: Not to study but to write inspiring quotes. Write as many as you can and put them in a jar or box. Every morning, as you wake up, read one.
·         Motivational Board- You can use a bulletin board or a poster. Gather pictures and articles that remind you of the positive effects of reaching goal.
·         Monthly Calendar- Buy stickers and designate them to a certain mini-goal. Example- Blue for studying 1 hour, Green for exercising for an hour, Yellow for practicing soccer that day. When you complete a mini-goal place a sticker for that day. At the end of the day you can see what you have accomplished and what you need to work on.
·         Money- Place money every time you complete a task. Keep the money in a jar and decide how often to open it (decide BEFORE placing money inside). You can place $1 for every hour you study and open it every month.

This is my personal advice on how to reach a goal and hope it has helped you. Follow to see how my goals are coming along.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

A Blog Still In The Workings

Inked, or typed, in your computer screen is a blog in process.

Hello! I would like to congratulate and thank you for reading this far. My purpose of starting this blog is to hopefully inspire someone or at least bring joy to their day. It most likely isn't the most decorative of all the blogs roaming around but I know that this blog will contain material fully embellished. Still Wandering Around will be lifestyle blog. I decided Still Wandering Around would fit the category of my blog for in one way or another we are all still wandering around in our own lives. A few of the subcategories, that this blog will include, will be fitness, fashion, craft, and advice.

In the meantime, I would like to introduce myself to you. I spend my days trying to learn something new and make use out of it although it is not always the case. At the start of each sunrise I organize my entire day in a page of notebook paper. Most of the time my "planned out" day becomes an unsystematic sixteen hours with not enough coffee. A day outlined with chores will take a dramatic turn into a day spent in an amusement park. Reading is my favorite hobby yet one of my many occupations that is hard to complete. I'd rather travel by car than by plane not because I'm frightened by them but because the view is detailed unlike the "big picture" view from a plane. I am addicted to all genres of music. My name is Gladys and I am 15. Although a name and an age is irrelevant in a personality I thought it would be nice to let you know. I am a sophomore and can't wait to graduate high school. Most of my favorite memories are made in Band. I am aware that I'm young and still have a lot to learn and love about life. That's why I made this blog. To share and receive ideas.

For the most part, I will write posts twice a week.

Thank you for reading thus far,